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Auction End-Time™ Schedules

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SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayAuction End-Time™LTQS™ Requirements or Allowed
8 slots18 slots8 slots13:00 (1:00 PM)NNN.com and NNNN.com
8 slots18 slots8 slots13:05 (1:05 PM)NNNNN.com
8 slots18 slots8 slots13:10 (1:10 PM)LLL.com
8 slots18 slots8 slots13:15 (1:15 PM)LLN.com, NLL.com, NNL.com, LNN.com, LNL.COM and NLN.com
8 slots18 slots8 slots13:20 (1:20 PM)LLLL.com
18 slots18 slots18 slots28 slots18 slots18 slots18 slots13:25 (1:25 PM)Words.com, (Any Combination 0-to-9, a-to-z, and dash).com,
Max Length=250
8 slots8 slots8 slots8 slots13:30 (1:30 PM)LLL.net, NNNN.net, LLL.org and NNNN.org
8 slots8 slots8 slots8 slots13:35 (1:35 PM)Words.cool, (Any Combination 0-to-9, a-to-z, and dash).cool,
Max Length=250
18 slots18 slots18 slots18 slots18:18 (6:18 PM)(Any Combination 0-to-9, a-to-z, and dash).LL or longer
Top Level Domain (TLD) except .com, Max Length=250
Note: Auction End-Time™ Timeslots are in 24 hour format, and correspond to the Official DOMACON AUCTIONS marketplace time and time zone (America, Los Angeles).